KalpaPharm.com Reviews

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KalpaPharm.com Reviews

  • Review from beastmode0311 (03 Jul, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    the best never fail. 50x Test Cyp. 25x TRen Ace. 15x Test Ace. there is no better...

  • Review from mastercommand (10 Jun, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    This was my first order with Kalpapharm they worked with me on the purchase. I will be using there service over and over.Quality is great. I am running 700ml a week 3.5cc. This current cycle is 20weeks...

  • Review from Relax007 (04 Jun, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    6xTest Cyp...

  • Review from levi (08 Feb, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.67


  • Review from goldham (05 Feb, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    5 x KP Cutaxyl 150. I am finally done with using this product. I am extremely happy with the results. I ran 150mg every other day for 12 weeks. Not only did I increase size and strength, but I also lost some BF and vascularity increased...

  • Review from dlw6781 (26 Jan, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    4 pack Kalpa Pharma anavar. Beyond expectations ..quality is that of pharmaceutical grade...will continue to use this and any other Kalpa Pharma products ..Got a big order coming from kalpapharm...

  • Review from cuzzo (17 Jan, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    The super test (hexyl 450) is off the charts strong and so is the deca. Letrozole def gets the job done and helps prevent and reduce the appearance of my gyno....

  • Review from baforu (15 Jan, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    I used the Kalpa's Test Cypionate for about 7 weeks! Good quality and very smooth injection with minimal PIP. Kalpa Arimidex and Nolvadex assisted with keeping any side effects at bay. Good quality....

  • Review from adamtibi (13 Jan, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.00

    2 x KP Test Enanth 250, 4 x KP Bold 300 (Equipoise), 1 x KP Tren Acetate 100, 2 x KP Test Prop 100. I ran the products for 16 weeks with Great results. Weight and strength went up substantially...

  • Review from mwjordan88 (12 Jan, 2024) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    7 x KP Test Enanth 250, 2 x KP Bold 300 (Equipoise), 1 x KP Oral Tren (methyltrienolone), 5 x DP M1T. I running M1T+Te+EQ+Tren+Viron, 12weeks cycle+5weeks Pct. M1T 20mg/d for 4wks,Te500mg/week,EQ 600mg/week,Tren250mg/week,Viron 50mg/d for 9wks...

  • Review from davdunc (25 Dec, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Kalpa Test Cyp 250. A co-worker ordered a few vials of Kalpa Test Cyp from them a few months back. We both used it while already on cycle. Definitely pure. No break in the way we were feeling or strength...

  • Review from bigeng15 (20 Dec, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.00

    Kalpa oils are pip free. Clen is g2g. Kalpa Pharma is one of my favorite lines!Highly recommend KP. Get in on their product of the week, especially when it'a KP!...

  • Review from polymer1 (14 Dec, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    packages was very well rapped and secured 6 x boldaxyl i just started my cycle everything looks fine but boldenone shows results after 6th week it arrived in 5 days...

  • Review from fitness734 (12 Dec, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    KP Sust 350. Very good product, give strength, veins, and 15 lb. I really I really would recommend for people who want to try a good sustanon. Kalpa are a one stop shop with a huge selection and awesome weekly specials...

  • Review from trayrann (23 Jul, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    KP Test E and EQ. Loved it pinned smooth oil is thin and clear no pip. Took about a month for the Test E to kick in and then a little longer than that for the EQ. Which made me very vascular loved it...

  • Review from gfowler (22 May, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    All gear labeled and clean. 4 weeks in and no problems. No PIP with the cyp, so life is good. Pump from the D's is great....

  • Review from plant3579 (20 Feb, 2023) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    KP Test P, KP NPP and Caber. All of the products worked great. I ended up giving them to my buddy to use and in 8 weeks he put on 14 pounds and looks good.I will be using again....

  • Review from briaunna23 (15 Dec, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.89

    Have not tried it yet. Will keep you posted!...

  • Review from jwhaugen (10 Dec, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    I have ordered several times from your company and have been pleased with the products. However, the Viagra I ordered was total junk. Maybe you knew that since you also sent me a sample of another Viagra product...

  • Review from zeeeva (27 Oct, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Deca.sustanon superdrol Tren e. Tbol Dbol Tren orals Clomid Arimidex 100 out of 100...

  • Review from dcorion99 (03 Sep, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.89

    Best product selection out there with the one of the best, if not the BEST pricing. Legit, original package with Dragon Pharma....

  • Review from sharmadogg (11 Aug, 2022) -> Average Rating: 5.00

    Quality products...

  • Review from dg91 (28 Jul, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.33


  • Review from jay210 (23 Jul, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Clomid, Kp test E. Ending cycle strong little to no sides...

  • Review from ladide (02 Jul, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    100 tabs t3 thyroxyl, KP Test E x12,KP Winstrol 50mg tabs,KP Deca x10. I've used all products with great sucess. Ran a Test and Deca cycle twice with Kalpa gear both with positive outcomes...

  • Review from surfnetshark (23 Feb, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    Great gains. Tren made me really hard and the deca and anadrol really boosted strength. I'm 5'9 and 205 and my bench jumped from 420-455 in 5 weeks.I'm gonna keep riding this KP train til the day it runs out...

  • Review from fulton (28 Jan, 2022) -> Average Rating: 4.56


  • Review from lynch138 (28 Dec, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    Like I said the KP was the best. Will be checking out other products in their line.All in all very happy with KalpaPharm. Will be ordering again....

  • Review from thierry74 (26 Nov, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    2 x KP Test Enanth 250 10ml, 2 x KP Tren Acetate 100 10ml, 1 x KP Anastrozole (Arimixyl), 2 x KP Clomiphene (Clomixyl). Superior. I used this order and items from a past order for a full cycle...

  • Review from capkewl (18 Nov, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Tren. Test. Oxandroxyl. Using 6 weeks. Great quality. Clean. Strength is up and test is doing what test does when running it high. Good Thanks...

  • Review from azayah (05 Nov, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.22


  • Review from bignoah (14 Oct, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    KP Mast 200 and KP Tren Ace - Excellent. I've gained 30 pounds in about 8 weeks using a variety of KP products. Incredible size and strength gains as well as increased vascularity and overall feeling of well being...

  • Review from whitass (08 Oct, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Modafinil, Arimidex, Proviron, Hcg, Cialis. All products top quality. I've used arimidex and this stuff blows out out of the water. I have a tendency to get gyno and the pharma grade arimidex keeps it in check at 0...

  • Review from dont_trip (01 Oct, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Everything is absolutely PRIMO! Sides are in check with the cutaxyl 150. DEFINITELY real mast in the blend, can feel that sick aggression in the gym. test and tren sides in check as well...

  • Review from krodd3003 (30 Sep, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    Have used their tbol before and saw epic results! Don't order from anyone else, they hold true to their promises....

  • Review from password (29 Sep, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    I ordered the following products: Clomid, Insulin, Lots of HCG. All the products are very high quality. I've been using their HCG for a long time as my PCT. I've used their HCG and urinated on pregnancy tests...

  • Review from jlawhon0105 (20 Sep, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    the product quality is amazing not gonna lie I was scared ordering from a website but after using kalpa products I will never use another brand I graded stuff I could feel the pump with in weeks of taking the product...

  • Review from wildman (06 Sep, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    This quality is Excellent i gain 15 pounds of pure muscle with just to packs of dianoxyl 10 in 2 months. Good strength and mass .Body in perfect condition , no nasty effects.I recommend Kalpapharm to anyone who trying bodybuilding, this site is the only site trusted and with product 100% legit...

  • Review from ricki6 (26 Aug, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Great quality, ran the test e for solid 3 months, put on about 23 pounds, lost about 4 pounds, maintained the rest.Thank you for your great service!...

  • Review from louies1dad (16 Aug, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    The very best. KP/DP/HGH...

  • Review from jordan77c (29 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    The black 800mg Cialis is the real deal and works every time! I was researching several Nootropics as well for enhanced brain function and after seeing all of the possible side effects I decided to try the Oxybral instead...

  • Review from codestar (27 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    The tren e is definitely legit. I usually do 10 to 12 week cycles with equal or more time off. My last cycle was also tren e at 500mg a week. I'm on my 3rd week with KP tren and its doing it's job well...

  • Review from gsxr2013 (15 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    This last order was to finish off my cycle and needed a few things to hold me over :test E, HCG, EQ Clenbuterol. I just started at 40mcg ED and had some classic clen shakes after cardio...

  • Review from rt4139 (13 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    Methan 10 (dianabol), Sust 270 (Sustanon), Clen (clenbuterol), Cutaxyl - just finished my cycle, i gained about 22lbs and a lot of fat has been lost as well.Within weeks I was sweating like crazy, having trouble sleeping, getting horny, while getting stronger and aggressive...

  • Review from lacrimm (12 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    KP Test 250, KP Deca 250, KP Adex - Product quality is best I've had yet. I was on test for 14 weeks and deca for 12. Smooth pins, amazing gains. The Adex really helped keep the sides and water retention to a minimum so I never got bloated...

  • Review from dono86 (09 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    I couldn't of asked for better gearvery pleased and I do recommend trying them out...

  • Review from andy457 (08 Jul, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    10 Kalpa test cyp two fiddy!I used this product on my last cycle which ended late June and my dick is still hard! I ran test at 750 mgs per week for 8 weeks. I wasn't bulking as much as trying to lean out...

  • Review from yournuts (30 Jun, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Great quality, fresh dates. Running Test cyp with Superdrol for 7 weeks then Test cyp. with Oral for 7 weeks, 1 week in and already seeing the strength go up!...

  • Review from madskillz25 (27 Apr, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    All KP products: cutaxyl, test e, and deca. Used 3 vials of cutaxyl, eod injections of 1cc. Despite being low dose cycle, product was very effective for a recomp....

  • Review from enrique (01 Apr, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Clenbutaxyl - the quality was fine, it didn't overly make me hard and dry me out as I though. But it was my first time using clen, so I know that diet also probably had a role. But I'm definitely a lot more vascular and defined...

  • Review from geralbang (30 Mar, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    KP offers amazing quality for low prices. I dont think I would ever order anything but KP because I know I can trust them. I usually do 10 week Cycles when i gain up to 25lbs and add 100lbs to my bench...

  • Review from sloulin (15 Mar, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    They have what I need....

  • Review from enrique (03 Mar, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Everything i have ever used is great coming from KALPA. Never had an issue with the quality. For the prices and wide variety of brands and products id never use another site. Been using kalpa for 6 yrs strong...

  • Review from geralbang (01 Mar, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Testosterone Enanthate 250 From lab: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals 3 bottles a each 10/ml = 30/ml in total.This is still the finest product I have personally purchased via the Internet....

  • Review from taysrock2014 (23 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    KP sust 350 and KP tren ace. Quality is the best imo, very smooth, little pip, draws with 25 Gage no prob. Ran 8 weeks eod inj kept tren little higher then sust, put on 8lbs while losing a few belt sizes, strength and libido was through the roof...

  • Review from tonycampbell (16 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Quality is top notch. Being all short esters i am 2 weeks in and feel it. Pinning .5ml everyday an hour before training on training days and in the evening on off days.I highly recommend Kalpa...

  • Review from heavydron (13 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    10 KP bold 300, 3 KP test prop. Great customer service keep it up...

  • Review from jesseortega (12 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 5.00

    all legit and good prices...

  • Review from jason21 (12 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    KP Test E, KP Oxandrolone, KP Letro, KP Arimidex, KP Tren E, KP Mast E, KP Bold. Great Quality, Ridiculous pumps, Gains were above what I expected.YOU GOT TO WANT IT!...

  • Review from fromadarksky (09 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 1.44

    The test E is trash....

  • Review from chris85190 (09 Feb, 2021) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    20 X test prop, 2 X primobol. smooth oil /no pip i am on now 5 weeks with test p /primo/ tab am getting steady gain & nice shape. stay on the road ,,,huh good luck...

  • Review from fromadarksky (28 Jan, 2021) -> Average Rating: 3.11

    The test e is trash. Very under dosed. I do not recommend....

  • Review from jesseortega (03 Jan, 2021) -> Average Rating: 3.00

    rated everything a 3 because im not sure whats better score 1 or 5 one best sites iv used thank you......

  • Review from josh (02 Jul, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Kalpa Winstrol 50mg tabs. This was my first cycle, so i ordered in apil and ended up starting my cycle late may.went up around 7kg of lean muscle and kept it.love the site and i will come back very soon...

  • Review from ben11778 (01 Jul, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    DIanoxyl 500 tablets 10mg. Using for 6 weeks 30 mg a day, am already up 7lbs in weight. Products were verified on Kalpa pharmaceuticals official website so that further reassured me....

  • Review from Fatima (28 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    I ran 500mg nandroxyl per week with test from another supplier together with other 20mg Nolvadex a day. I found the nandroxyl helped me get stronger by around 15% on all my lifts, it took a while to kick in around 5 weeks, but I saw a nice increase in my weight, it gave me a more athletic look, made me tighter, but not ripped, a more fuller look...

  • Review from beide974 (24 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Anadroxyl was great and currently still using!!!Top notch, 100% legit. Thank you for the promo...

  • Review from nesky (14 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Brilliant source & definitely recommended...

  • Review from wickedguy (11 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Nandroxyl 250 - it feels exactly as it should on 500 mg deca a week. No drop off in weight or strength after switching to Kalpa. I am continuing to make good progress. All good. Thanks again Kalpapharm for letting me get in on your promo...

  • Review from kelz2o3 (10 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    Quality is great! Properly dosed which is important for me. Pins smooth. Been using for 2 weeks with normal sides.These guys are on their game great products, great service,...

  • Review from dhirsch (06 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    Great stuff. The Boldaxyl has me hungry as hell. I actually was woken up at 5am by hunger.Great supplier, good service and prices....

  • Review from trav00 (05 Jun, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    100 x 10mg Dianoxyl - high quality product, I do recommend them!...

  • Review from ericjlsu (29 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56


  • Review from xander0604 (28 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.11

    This test suspension is definitely legit. Im doing a half ml an hour before hitting the gym. Got about two weeks worth of workouts in and I will be sad when the amp is empty....

  • Review from jgarcell (23 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    Anadroxyl and T3.Good stuff. Quality was as promised. Weight gains were steady.Would not hesitate to purchase from this source....

  • Review from raj71 (20 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    My last order was for Kalpa's Tren E to add to a cycle I had already planned. The order was processed and shipped the same as always; fast and accurate. I've had plenty of time to feel the effects...

  • Review from fitfieldsy (17 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    I personally have only used the dianoxyl, which gave me good pumps within a few days, i also had tslightly higher BP and m hunger was immense. Overall it is a good product that worked as expected ...

  • Review from Amy (13 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    Cant put too much in here yet cause its only been 2 days on the Test E and Anadrol from KP. Everything im taking is from here! Thanks again KP, you guys truly are the best! Ill keep you guys posted when results pop up in a few weeks...

  • Review from rme0025 (08 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    This test is good to go. All the gains and side effects. I put on about 10 lbs using this test and I leaned out. My sex drive and acne were elevated.I would recommend them to friends and family....

  • Review from kavoukion (07 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    Almost everything you can think of.Well depends what you ordered, but i have ordered UG and pharma grade over this last year, and both are of a good quality and have delivered great results...

  • Review from vinny (03 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 5.00

    I have been using Kalpa for years. Ranging from their home line of Kalpatropin HGH all the way to their orals and liquids. These are quality products! You always get what you pay for when you shop with them...

  • Review from jerem (01 May, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Packing is always nice and tight, never an issue.2 Test E. I ran these at 500 mg a week for five weeks. I switched to these from another source and actually think this product may be a little overdosed or the other is underdosed...

  • Review from johncom42 (24 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    t3, anadrol 50, kamagra jelly - Top of the line pharm grade tabs and boner jelly was VERY strong...

  • Review from johnth45 (23 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    T3 & anadrol, it was good...

  • Review from carldmain30 (22 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Sustaxyl 350, Nandroxyl 250, purchased to prolong a current cycle, gear was unavailable from other source at the time, My gains at the time had pretty much plateaued other then strength...

  • Review from crank (18 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 3.67


  • Review from razvan (18 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Cypionate first time and sustaxyl 350 with dianoxyl tabs the second used cypionate for 6 weeks and increased weight mass and strength was incredible, finnaly got 405 bench....

  • Review from amc2479 (17 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44


  • Review from cheese (15 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    1x Clenbutaxyl; 1x Testoxyl Cypionate. Just started taking both products. Clen is very potent and had my hands shaking with a big energy rush from the first tab. The Testoxyl cypionate is very clear and smooth with very little PIP...

  • Review from pege (12 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    I took the halo at 40-50mg ed for final 3 weeks leading up to comp. strength was through the roof and I typically don't get the crazy freak out horror story side effects from things...

  • Review from t504 (11 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    It's been more than 5 weeks since I ordered Test C, E and Prop. My results from medications proved the authenticity, no doubt 100% authentic and properly dosed. Aside from the physical improvements my recovery, sex drive and overall wellness are right on point and through the roof...

  • Review from jackal (09 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    GH, Test, Primo, Masteroxyl top notch quality...

  • Review from bigb1124 (08 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.22


  • Review from hrogers1089 (05 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Didn't have a past experience use with any gear before just always hit the gym hard.. as age catches up noticed the need for a helping hand so wanted to start with a small dose of test and then incorporate boldaxyl for long standing lean muscle gains...

  • Review from snoopy (03 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    stanoxyl and oxandroxyl, primoxyl, kalpatropin. Quality is always top notch...

  • Review from petefish (02 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    2 sustaxyl, 1 proviroxyl, 1 nolvaxyl, 3 stanoxyl, 2 oxandroxyl, 1 primoxyl and 2 clen. So far everything is great, will update more once cycle is finished. Been using susta, cutaxyl, oxandr, stanox, proviroxyl for about 2 months now, and I'm loving everything...

  • Review from mgregoryaz (01 Apr, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.22

    I love there gear been using for 3 weeks...

  • Review from engstrom85 (29 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.11

    Product quality as i mentioned- LIQUID GOLD. Amazing gear. i have only run the test cyp personally but my boys have been using the test cyp and boldaxyl and they love it, They are starting to great gains and pumps...

  • Review from delvas (28 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    1 vial of Test E!!! Great getting very strong and sex drive is thru the roof!!...

  • Review from dazher25 (27 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.78

    Tren ace, Test prop - Nice and smooth highly recommend. High quality....

  • Review from davidhhi (26 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Tren Ace, Test prop, D-bol. Tren ace: straight fire, best tren ever had. Less than 2 weeks in effects were felt. Night sweats, low patience, alpha feeling, strength boosts, leaning effect...

  • Review from superpan (25 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Ordered Kalpatropin. First time i've used this, so nothing to compare it to, but, has been very effective. My experience was just as i was told it would be: more energy, deeper sleep, quicker recovery...

  • Review from finnandjake (23 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    test e, deca, dbol - couple months in and some of my t-shirts don't fit any more. Accepts bitcoin which is useful...

  • Review from crzyjlt (22 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44


  • Review from erikone (20 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    Balkan Test prop ampoules and Kalpa Drost. Prop. Both brands are very decent especially Balkan. I was using quality human grade Test prior to this. I pinned 3 ml/week. All the good feelings, signs and results continued like libido, strength and morale...

  • Review from rmc24 (15 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    100 tabs T3.Good quality.Worked as it was supposed to.Great place to buy quality gear....

  • Review from mg0274 (14 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    I took it this product's as bellow: 80mg ed turanaxyl for 7 weeks 300mg per week of test p. Divided it in to 3 injections per week. Had very good strength gains extra.15kg plates for bench press...

  • Review from diggy (12 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.44

    test e and test p but I also ordered some EQ!! finishing of both test slimmed down about ten pounds but look muscle as hell!!...

  • Review from anivar (11 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 5.00

    20mg is an odd potency for Nolvaxyl so I split them and took half per day for 30 days along with clomixyl I already had on hand. The tabs were pressed nicely so they split well and didn't crumble...

  • Review from jborn (07 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    After my other domestic source went down I shopped around for another source I believed could replace them with equal to or greater product/ Overall quality. Placed a small order to test these guys products and I have not been let down to say the least...

  • Review from yellabone (06 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.33

    10*-ML Test Prop - Quality was very good, great gains in libido and strength! Very smooth, no pip...

  • Review from gonsalved001 (04 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.56

    Winny tabs - Product is working great, 8 weeks out...seeing great results...

  • Review from snakeeyes (01 Mar, 2019) -> Average Rating: 4.67

    Test E & Prop - Amazing...

KalpaPharm.com Reviews

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