Injectable Steroids for Sale

Boldaxyl 300

70.00 USD
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Cutaxyl 150

75.00 USD
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Duraxyl 100

47.00 USD
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Hexyl 450

63.00 USD
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Masteroxyl 100

75.00 USD
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Masteroxyl 200

95.00 USD
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Nandroxyl 250

70.00 USD
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Primoxyl 100

81.90 USD
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Stanoxyl Depot

28.00 USD
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Sustaxyl 350

38.50 USD
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Testoxyl Cypionate 250

47.00 USD
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Testoxyl Enanthate 250

47.00 USD
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Testoxyl Enanthate 400

67.00 USD
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Testoxyl Propionate 100

40.00 USD
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Trenboxyl Acetate 100

80.00 USD
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Trenboxyl Enanthate 200

110.00 USD
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Trenboxyl Hexa 100

110.00 USD
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Trinaxyl 150

100.00 USD
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Decaplex 250

99.00 USD
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Duraplex 100

69.00 USD
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Equiplex 200

65.00 USD
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Equiplex Forte 300

109.00 USD
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Hexaplex 450

99.00 USD
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Mastaplex 100

115.00 USD
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Mastaplex 200

110.00 USD
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Primoplex 100

139.00 USD
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Stanoplex 50 Inj

56.00 USD
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Sustaplex 350

89.00 USD
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Testaplex C 250

84.00 USD
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Testaplex E 250

84.00 USD
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Testaplex P 100

59.00 USD
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Trenaplex A 100

99.00 USD
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Trenaplex D 100

125.00 USD
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Trenaplex E 200

105.00 USD
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Trinaplex 150

119.00 USD
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Ultraplex 150

89.00 USD
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Boldabol 200

65.00 USD
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Boldabol Forte

89.00 USD
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Decabol 250

70.00 USD
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Mastabol 100

75.00 USD
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Mastabol 200

110.00 USD
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Stanabol 50 Inj

56.00 USD
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Sustabol 350

59.00 USD
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Testabol Depot

56.00 USD
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Testabol Enanthate 250

56.00 USD
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Testabol Propionate

43.00 USD
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Trenabol 100

81.00 USD
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Trenabol Depot 200

120.00 USD
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Trenabol Hexa 100

114.00 USD
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Trinabol 150

120.00 USD
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Equidex 200

65.00 USD
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Mastodex Enanthate 200

110.00 USD
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Mastodex Propionate

75.00 USD
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Nandrodex 100

49.00 USD
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Nandrodex 250

70.00 USD
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Pentadex 350

59.00 USD
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Stanodex 50

56.00 USD
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Testodex Enanthate 250

56.00 USD
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Testodex Propionate 100

43.00 USD
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Trenadex Acetate 100

81.00 USD
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Trenadex Enanthate 200

120.00 USD
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Trenadex Mix 150

120.00 USD
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Ultradex 150

63.00 USD
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1-Test Cyp 100

45.00 USD
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Cut Long 300

120.00 USD
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Cut Mix 150

75.00 USD
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Cypionat 250

55.00 USD
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Deca 200 / NPP 150

92.00 USD
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Deca 200 / Test E 200

75.00 USD
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Deca 300

75.00 USD
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Deca 500

84.00 USD
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EQ 200 / Test E 200

75.00 USD
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EQ 300

75.00 USD
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EQ 500

90.00 USD
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Enantat 250

55.00 USD
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Enantat 400

67.00 USD
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Masteron 100

75.00 USD
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Masteron 200

110.00 USD
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NPP 150

55.00 USD
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Parabolan 100

132.00 USD
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Primobolan 100

132.00 USD
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Primobolan 200

175.00 USD
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Propionat 100

42.00 USD
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Suspension 100

64.00 USD
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Sustanon 270

55.00 USD
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Testo Blend 350

75.00 USD
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Tren / Test 350

75.00 USD
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Trenbolone 100

80.00 USD
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Trenbolone 200

120.00 USD
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Trenbolone 50

62.00 USD
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Tri-Tren 150

120.00 USD
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64.00 USD
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Winstrol 50

55.00 USD
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70.00 USD
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52.00 USD
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60.00 USD
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87.00 USD
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Nandrolab-P 100

40.00 USD
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132.00 USD
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50.00 USD
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45.00 USD
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Testolab-C 250

48.00 USD
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Testolab-E 250

48.00 USD
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Testolab-P 100

40.00 USD
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Testolab-S 100

29.00 USD
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Trenolab-A 100

80.00 USD
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Trenolab-E 200

110.00 USD
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Trenolab-H 100

110.00 USD
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46.00 USD
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45.00 USD
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Trenorox H 10 mL

120.00 USD
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Stanoxyl Depot

40.00 USD
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Out of stock

Testoxyl Suspension 100

40.00 USD
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Testaplex S 100

56.00 USD
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Ultraplex Forte 275

120.00 USD
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Andropen 450

80.00 USD
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Aquabol Suspension

56.00 USD
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Durabol 100

49.00 USD
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Primobol Inject

114.00 USD
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Ultrabol 150

63.00 USD
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Ultrabol Forte 275

80.00 USD
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Equidex Forte 400

90.00 USD
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Hexadex 450

99.00 USD
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Primodex 100

114.00 USD
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Primodex 50

114.00 USD
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Testodex 100

56.00 USD
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Testodex Cypionate 250

56.00 USD
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Ultradex Forte 275

90.00 USD
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48.00 USD
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70.00 USD
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55.00 USD
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Nandrolone D

50.00 USD
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Nandrolone F

55.00 USD
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165.00 USD
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130.00 USD
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47.00 USD
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Strombaject Aqua

45.00 USD
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75.00 USD
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Testosterone C

72.00 USD
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Testosterone E

70.00 USD
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Testosterone P

47.00 USD
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Cipandrol 10 mL

58.00 USD
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Enandrol 10 mL

55.00 USD
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Propandrol 10 mL

42.00 USD
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SP Cut-Stack 150

90.00 USD
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SP Cypionate

54.00 USD
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SP Drostanol

96.00 USD
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SP Enanthate

54.00 USD
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SP Equipoise

69.00 USD
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SP Masteron

70.00 USD
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SP Methandriol

40.00 USD
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SP Nandrolone

69.00 USD
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SP Nandrolone-F

47.00 USD
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SP Parabolan

135.00 USD
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SP Primobol

135.00 USD
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SP Propionate

42.00 USD
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SP Stanoject

54.00 USD
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SP Supertest 450

80.00 USD
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SP Supertren

120.00 USD
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SP Sustanon

60.00 USD
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SP Sustanon Forte

65.00 USD
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SP Trenbolone 75

75.00 USD
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SP Trenbolone Enanthate 100

88.00 USD
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SP Trenbolone Forte

115.00 USD
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SP Trenbolone Mix 150

125.00 USD
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66.00 USD
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Boldenon Forte

97.00 USD
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Cut Stack 275

99.00 USD
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Masteron 100

65.00 USD
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Masteron Forte

95.00 USD
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45.00 USD
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57.00 USD
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134.00 USD
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134.00 USD
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53.00 USD
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Supertest 450

65.00 USD
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Sustanon 270

50.00 USD
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53.00 USD
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53.00 USD
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40.00 USD
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Tren Mix

135.00 USD
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Trenbolon 100

122.00 USD
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Trenbolon 200

132.00 USD
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Boldenone Undecylenate

68.00 USD
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Cut Stack 150

90.00 USD
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Drostanolone Enanthate

95.00 USD
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Drostanolone Propionate

75.00 USD
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Methenolone Enanthate

128.00 USD
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Nandrolone Decanoate

72.00 USD
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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

47.00 USD
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128.00 USD
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Sustanon 250

55.00 USD
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Testosterone Cypionate

53.00 USD
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Testosterone Enanthate

53.00 USD
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Testosterone Propionate

42.00 USD
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Trenbolone Acetate

82.00 USD
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Trenbolone Enanthate

122.00 USD
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Trenbolone Mix

125.00 USD
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Stanozolol Injection

50.00 USD
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Boldenone Undecylenate

60.00 USD
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Cut-Stack 150

73.00 USD
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Drostanolone Enanthate

95.00 USD
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Drostanolone Propionate

77.00 USD
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Nandrolone Decanoate

70.00 USD
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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

50.00 USD
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115.00 USD
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120.00 USD
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Supertest 450

63.00 USD
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Sustanon 250

50.00 USD
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Sustanon-Forte 500

67.00 USD
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Testosterone Cypionate

50.00 USD
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Testosterone Enanthate

50.00 USD
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Testosterone Propionate

42.00 USD
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Trenbolone Acetate

80.00 USD
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Trenbolone Enanthate

110.00 USD
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Tri-Trenbolone 150

110.00 USD
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Winstrol Aqua

50.00 USD
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Cut-Stack 150

75.00 USD
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Drostanolone Enanthate

100.00 USD
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Drostanolone Propionate

70.00 USD
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Nandrolone Decanoate

64.00 USD
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Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

50.00 USD
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120.00 USD
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Supertest 450

66.00 USD
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Sustanon 250

55.00 USD
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Sustanon-Forte 500

68.00 USD
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Testosterone Cypionate

56.00 USD
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Testosterone Enanthate

56.00 USD
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Testosterone Propionate

43.00 USD
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Trenbolone Acetate

80.00 USD
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Trenbolone Enanthate

110.00 USD
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Tri-Trenbolone 150

115.00 USD
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60.00 USD
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77.00 USD
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Nandrolone D

70.00 USD
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Nandrolone F

50.00 USD
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115.00 USD
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120.00 USD
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Stanozolol Inj

50.00 USD
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Testosterone C

50.00 USD
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Testosterone Compound

50.00 USD
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Testosterone E

50.00 USD
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Testosterone P

42.00 USD
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Tren Acetate

80.00 USD
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Tren Enanthate

110.00 USD
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60.00 USD
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Nandrolonum D

70.00 USD
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Nandrolonum F

50.00 USD
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120.00 USD
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50.00 USD
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Sustanonum 250

50.00 USD
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Testum Cypionate

50.00 USD
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Testum Enanthate

50.00 USD
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Testum Propionate

42.00 USD
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Trenum Acetate

80.00 USD
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Trenum Enanthate

110.00 USD
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110.00 USD
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Boldorox 10 mL

62.00 USD
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Mastorox 10 mL

70.00 USD
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Mastorox Depot 10 mL

95.00 USD
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Nandrorox D 10 mL

68.00 USD
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Nandrorox PH 10 mL

49.00 USD
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Primorox 10 mL

120.00 USD
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Stanorox 10 mL

48.00 USD
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Testorox C250 10 mL

49.00 USD
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Testorox E250

50.00 USD
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Testorox Mix 10 mL

49.00 USD
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Testorox P100 10 mL

40.00 USD
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Trenorox A 10 mL

80.00 USD
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Trenorox E 10 mL

110.00 USD
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Trenorox Mix 10 mL

110.00 USD
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70.00 USD
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72.00 USD
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Mastorox Depot

95.00 USD
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Nandrorox D

65.00 USD
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Nandrorox PH

50.00 USD
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120.00 USD
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75.00 USD
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Testorox C250

56.00 USD
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Testorox E250

56.00 USD
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Testorox Mix

55.00 USD
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Testorox P100

44.00 USD
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Trenorox A

80.00 USD
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Trenorox E

110.00 USD
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Trenorox H

120.00 USD
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Trenorox Mix

110.00 USD
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Out of stock

Sustanon 250

62.00 USD
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Out of stock

Testosterone Enanthate

65.00 USD
More Info
Out of stock

Characteristics of Injectable Steroids

Usage of anabolic steroids is common in many sports that require high strength, endurance, as well as the achievement of certain physical parameters. On average, for a cycle with hormonal drugs, an athlete can gain 5-7 kg of muscle mass, reduce the percentage of fat in the tissues, and significantly increase the effectiveness of his training.

The injectable form of anabolic steroids is an oily solution or aqueous suspension with a main active ingredient. After injection of the active substance into the body, it begins to enter the bloodstream immediately, in contrast to the oral (pill) hormones, the absorption of which from the digestive tract takes time.

Another feature of injection solutions is high bioavailability. When taking oral forms of drugs, part of the active compound does not reach the systemic blood flow or is destroyed by enzyme systems. Steroid injections provide delivery to the site of action of almost the entire amount of the administered medication.

Effects of Injectable Steroids

Each steroid, regardless of the dosage form in which it is used, has anabolic and androgenic effects. Anabolic activity is due to the stimulation of the synthesis of protein molecules in the body and is manifested as follows:

  • muscle growth;
  • improves tissue nutrition and regeneration;
  • boosts energy.

Androgenic properties are inherent in anabolic steroids, as derived from testosterone or compounds similar to it. Their effect is to burn fat, increase endurance and strength. Drugs with strongly pronounced androgenic activity can increase motivation and develop healthy sports aggression.

Knowing the ratio of anabolic and androgenic activity of a particular injectable steroid, we can assume what the result will be from its cycle. For example, for cutting in the precompetitive period, drugs with a predominance of androgenic action are chosen, for a rapid gain of muscles, more anabolic action are chosen. Also steroids for intramuscular administration can have a different period of activity, the frequency of injections depends on this. Some short testosterone esters last 1-2 days, compounds with a long molecular chain - up to 2-3 weeks after injection.

How to Inject Steroids

Hormonal agents in ampoules or vials are injected intramuscularly (in the shoulder, gluteal or femoral muscle). Injections should be made deeply, but not to the full length of the needle to prevent complications in case of accidental breaking off.

The dosage and frequency of injection is recommended to choose together with a sports medicine specialist. During the cycle, the state of the body should be monitored - pressure and heart rate are systematically measured, changes in the blood composition are monitored.

A number of anabolic steroids undergo aromatization in the body (conversions to female sex hormones) and require the use of anti-estrogen drugs to prevent or eliminate side effects. Injectable steroids without aromatization can be taken without the use of additional drugs.

You can buy Kalpa's injectable steroids in our online store. We sell only original certified products from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals.

Oil-based Steroids

Injectable Steroids Made by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals - Authentic Kalpa Injectables @

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You can order steroids from here without prescription. We will offer you the best and 100% original steroids. You wont need to hesitate about the authenticity because we don't sell fake products. We don't have the right to scam and play with your health, nobody does. So feel free to get steroids from our steroid shop. We have injectable steroids, oral steroids, post cycle therapy drugs, diuretics, fat-burners and so on. We will try our best to satisfy you and support you. Don't forget that you can always contact us if you are having any problem.