Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate 100mg
Active Life: 1-1.5 Days
Average Dose: 300-700 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Testoxyl propionate is one of the oldest and most commonly used synthetic steroids by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals available to athletes. The steroid imitates the testosterone hormone found naturally in the body. Testoxyl propionate is both anabolic and androgenic. Anabolic refers to the steroid's muscle building effect, and androgenic means that it stimulates secondary male sex characteristics such as a deepening of the voice and the growing of facial and body hair.
Athletes use testoxyl propionate to increase muscle mass and strength. After entering a muscle cell, steroids stimulate protein growth in the cell, which produces more cells. This in turn leads to increased muscle mass. Additionally, steroids help to block the effects of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down muscle mass, which is released in large amounts during an intense workout.
One reason testoxyl propionate is a popular choice among athletes is because it is a short-cycle steroid. It enters the bloodstream quickly, so it begins working right away. It also dissipates more rapidly than many other steroids. Since it exits the body quickly, it may not cause as high of an increase in water retention, a problem typical with steroid use. Because it is a short-cycle steroid, athletes using testoxyl propionate will have to inject it at least every other day to maintain its effects. Athletes new to steroid use might find testoxyl propionate a poor option if they are put off by the thought of frequent injections.
Testoxyl propionate is injected into the body using a needle and syringe. Steroids are usually injected deep into muscular tissue because it is less painful than other injection sites, and it speeds up the absorption process. The most common injection sites are the gluteus, the quadriceps, the deltoids, and the biceps. Many steroid users prefer to rotate injections among the various muscles because the injection site can become irritated and painful.
Users of testoxyl propionate typically inject it regularly for a cycle lasting between 8 and 16 weeks. After the cycle is completed, athletes often take supplements as part of post cycle therapy to return the body's testosterone and other chemical levels to normal. Athletes usually get their blood tested after the post cycle therapy to ensure that no lasting damage has occurred. After completion of post cycle therapy and an amount of time equal to the length of the cycle, athletes often begin a new cycle. Although it is effective when used alone, athletes often combine, or stack, testoxyl propionate with one or more other steroids to heighten its results. Different combinations provide different effects in terms of muscle mass and strength gain.
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Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substances:
- Testosterone Propionate 42mg
- Testosterone Isocaproate 84mg
- Testosterone Phenylropionate 84mg
- Testosterone Decanoate 140mg
Mixed Dosage: 350 mg
Active Life: 7-8 Days
Average Dose: 250 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Aug 26, 2021 (09:24)
I used this at 150 mg EOD for 5 weeks to finish a 10 week blast of cyp 500 mg/wk (15 wk total blast time). I was having great results on the blast and noticed no drop in strength, energy or libido when I switched to the prop. Actually, that feeling of being "on" picked up a little and I made some strength and vascularity gains. The test itself had a nice yellow tint to it and was smooth as butter- no PIP even at 100 mg/ml. I was very happy with this product and will be sure to order again.